Altus Plateau Sites Of Grace
Sites of Grace locations are a warm refuge in Elden Ring, and they're everywhere in the Lands Betwixt.
Actualization every bit a ray of light above a mound of soil, a Lost Grace that is touched transforms into a Site of Grace.
These act every bit checkpoints where you can respawn upon decease, level up, upgrade flasks with Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears, mix Wondrous Physick, memorise spells and other options.
Some Sites of Grace volition too emit rays pointing y'all towards the disquisitional path - useful if you don't want to follow a walkthrough.
This folio explains all Site of Grace locations in Elden Ring. Before you become started in each region, nosotros highly recommend you locate the map fragments for that area beginning.
On this page:
- How Site of Grace locations and this page works
- Limgrave Site of Grace locations
- Weeping Peninsula Site of Grace locations
- Stormveil Castle Site of Grace locations
- Liurnia Site of Grace locations
- Raya Lucaria Academy Site of Grace locations
- Altus Plateau Site of Grace locations
- Volcano Manor Site of Grace locations
- Leyndell, Majestic Upper-case letter Site of Grace locations
- Caelid Site of Grace locations
- Mountaintops of the Giants Site of Grace locations
- Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace locations
- Miquella'south Haligtree Sites of Grace locations
- Crumbling Faram Azula Site of Grace locations
- Leyndell, Ashen Capital letter Sites of Grace locations
- Siofra River, Nokron and Mohgwyn Palace Site of Grace locations
- Deeproot Depths Site of Grace locations
- Ainsel River Site of Grace locations
Looking for some direction? Our what to do showtime in Elden Ring, Elden Ring walkthrough, Site of Grace locations and main bosses in order pages can help.
How Site of Grace locations and this folio works
You lot will discover many Sites of Grace through exploration, with some being at the archway mini-dungeon (an icon of a cavern or catacomb will be visible behind information technology), while others appear later defeating a boss in that surface area, which the Site of Grace volition also usually be named after.
Even so, being a big open world, it's also easy to miss many of them depending on the route you lot're travelling, while some are non as obviously visible.

Equally there are over 300 Sites of Grace in the whole game, this guide is not meant to exist a thorough explanation of every single 1. We hope that these maps, with each Site of Grace marked by a xanthous circumvolve will provide an overview of their locations at a glance to aid give you a ameliorate sense of where to explore.
We have included notes, either highlighting points of interest or explaining the topography of the maps, every bit some Sites of Grace will need to exist found from traversing a specific route, or be located higher up or underground even when on the map, some wait like they're next to each other.
Limgrave Site of Grace locations
Here'due south a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatever numbers correspond with the notes underneath with farther clarifications:

- The starting surface area of Elden Ring, where you will beginning meet White-Faced Varre. Although it's called The First Step, you should have already activated two Sites of Grace before coming to the surface: Stranded Graveyard and the Cave of Knowledge tutorial surface area.
- Church of Elleh is where you tin find Kale, the first merchant you lot encounter and also a smithing tabular array to brand your starting time basic gear upgrades. Return here after acquiring Torrent to meet Ranni (or Renna, as she calls herself) to get the Spirit Calling Bong.
- From Gatefront onwards is Stormhill, with the surrounding Sites of Grace located higher up, and also leading to the first legacy dungeon Stormveil Castle.
- Northwest of Lake Agheel, Limgrave Tunnels is a adept early mini-dungeon to larn some Smithing Stones for upgrading your weapon.
- North of Lake Agheel is a ravine, which is where y'all can go to Murkwater Cave to find Patches. Beware entering this ravine the first fourth dimension as you'll be invaded by an NPC.
- Highroad Cave is at the very due north of the ravine but has to be accessed from Stormhill and then jumping down via a gust from a nearby span while riding Torrent. The reward at the terminate of this mini dungeon is the Blue Dancer Amuse.
- Ruin cellars typically exercise not have a Site of Grace. The exception is Waypoint Ruins Cellar e of Lake Agheel, where you lot can notice Sorceress Sellen.
- The Third Church of Marika due north-e of the lake and north of the Mistwood is where you tin observe a Sacred Tear besides every bit the flask of Wondrous Physick.
- The Littoral Cave isn't just a mini-dungeon, it's as well an underground path that will lead you to the small island due south-west to the Church of Dragon Communion, which also has its own Site of Grace.
- But out of shot from the higher up to the north-east is the Site of Grace for the Divine Tower of Limgrave, found at the end of the bridge. The tower is accessible after defeating Godrick the Grafted with the Godrick Dandy Rune in your possession.
Weeping Peninsula Site of Grace locations
Here's a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatsoever numbers represent with the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- South of Limgrave by taking the path south-east of Lake Agheel, the Span of Cede is the outset Site of Grace for the area. You'll also detect Irinia nearby who yous need to speak with to begin the Castle Morne quest.
- Castle Morne is a considerably small-scale dungeon with 4 Sites of Grace, one of these beingness the boss, Leonine Baseborn. The dungeon however isn't but the castle itself but beyond its walls farther southwest, requiring y'all to driblet off the edge shortly after reaching Behind the Castle's Site of Grace.
- Ailing Hamlet Outskirts is north of Callu Baptismal Church where yous tin can observe a Sacred Tear. This surface area is to a higher place which tin can be reached from the s side.
- South of the Watch Belfry is actually far below Ailing Hamlet Outskirts and tin can be reached by turning around and heading n-west after beginning heading southwards shortly after Span of Sacrifice. From hither you lot tin can cross a bridge to achieve the west part of the peninsula.
- Tombsward Catacombs is on this higher part of country between the Minor Erdree to the south and the Church of Pilgrimage to the north, although the archway isn't immediately visible from the ruins nearby. Defeating the dominate of this mini-dungeon volition reward you with one of the most powerful summoning spirits in the game, Lhutel the Headless.
Stormveil Castle Site of Grace locations
Here's a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers correspond with the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- Stormveil'due south Main Gate is non the only entrance to the castle as you tin can infiltrate from the side. Nearly of the other Sites of Grace for this dungeon can be found on at the edges of the castle.
- Gateside Bedchamber is tucked in the left corner later on you breach the gate head-on, a helpful checkpoint to have to save you lot from trying to dodge oncoming arrows adjacent fourth dimension.
- Whether you go caput-on or sneak in, your path will eventually merge at the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. Heading farther along north out to the ramparts and down the ladder to a chapel where you lot'll find Sorcerer Rogier (merely watch out for the birds who fling explosive barrels at y'all).
- Liftside Sleeping accommodation to the left has a elevator that takes yous upward a condom route to attain Godrick. If you don't accept this route and head right you'll have to encounter more of those annoying birds, although this is also where you'll find a Golden Seed and first see Nepheli if you lot want to summon her for the Godrick fight.
Liurnia Site of Grace locations
Here are two maps of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatever numbers correspond with the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- Lake-Facing Cliffs is the first Site of Grace you should come across when yous outset enter this surface area. To the left is Church of Irith where you will find a Sacred Tear and Sorceror Thops.
- While Stillwater Cave is pictured adjacent, this Site of Grace is actually far beneath you at the most southeast office of the lake. Inside y'all'll find the Sage armour set, while the boss here will reward yous with the Winged Sword Insignia talisman.
- Slumbering Wolf's Shack is where y'all will find Latenna the Albinauric, whose questline you must follow in lodge to get her spirit ashes and attain the cloak-and-dagger path to the Haligtree. To reach this Site of Grace, yous must showtime traverse the Lakeside Crystal Cave just north of it, accessible via a path due south of the lake.
- Hamlet of the Albinaurics is where y'all will find the old man who gives you lot one half of the hugger-mugger Haligtree Medallion in Latenna's questline, and is part of how y'all acquire the Regal Remains armor set. The other nearby Sites of Grace in this office of the map are located far above yous and will only be accessible towards the terminate of Ranni's quest.
- Cliffbottom Catacombs is located on a lower function of land that's accessible from the north. Defeating the boss of this mini-dungeon volition reward you with Kaiden Sellsword Ashes.
- To reach the Divine Belfry of Liurnia to the e, you lot have to become via Written report Hall Entrance. However, you must have a certain item that'south given to you lot past Ranni during her questline.
- Although the path looks like it, in that location isn't a path of Jarburg from the north. Instead, you need to do a flake of platforming from the cliffside next to it. This is where you'll detect the NPC Jar-Bairn.
- Church building of Vows is where y'all tin observe Miriel (aka pope turtle) and also where y'all tin can exist absolved of your sins if yous've attacked an NPC.
- Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel is due north-due east of the lake and requires going further onto the shore to reach. Defeating the dominate here will advantage y'all with Smithing-Stone Miner'due south Bell Bearing (1).
- Although information technology looks like it's role of the Raya Lucaria Academy, Academy Crystal Cave is really located down at the lake, although completing it will have y'all to a secret expanse inside the academy. Defeat the dominate to get the Crystal Release spell, but keep on the lift to find the Terra Magicus spell in the surreptitious location.
- Although it looks like it'south on the bridge, East Gate Bridge Trestle's Site of Grace is located on the lake.
- The Four Belfries has three teleporters that take yous to dissimilar secret locations. Each requires an Imbued Sword Key to actuate, although y'all can find one in a chest at the elevation.
- Road to the Estate can be found by hitting a fake wall. This is the route to Caria Manor where y'all can find the Sword of Night and Flame besides as the way to find Ranni to brainstorm her questline. Near this Site of Grace, you'll also find the behemothic blacksmith Iji.
- In that location's two Sites of Grace within Ranni'southward Ascension, one near the lesser, the other in Ranni's chambers. The latter simply appears afterward she has disappeared from her location about halfway through her questline and when the archway to Renna's Rise to the northward has opened.
- Grand Lift of Dectus is the path to attain Altus Plateau, accessible once you find the two halves of the Dectus Medallion.
- Frenzied Flame Hamlet Outskirts (equally well equally Church of Inhibition to the north-w, where yous need to go as part of Varre's questline) can only be accessed from the north side, ideally from the Grand Lift of Dectus Site of Grace. Exist careful of enemies who tin inflict the madness stat.
- The Ravine at the due north of the lake is how y'all can access an alternative route to Altus Plateau rather than via the Grand Lift of Dectus. Head further in and you'll also discover a Gilded Seed.
- At the end of the ravine is Ravine-Veiled Village Site of Grace. There'southward a ladder that will take you upwardly to Ruin-Strewn Precipice Site of Grace. Continue upwards this way and then westwards where you'll have to fight Magma Wyrm Makar, and then you'll attain Altus Plateau.
Raya Lucaria Academy Site of Grace locations
Here'southward a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatsoever numbers stand for with the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- Not counting Primary Academy Gate, Raya Lucaria Academy has 4 Sites of Grace, including the boss, but you volition first from here and take a lift to the academy. The other ii Sites of Grace visible on this map is the Academy Crystal Cave located on the lake below and S Raya Lucaria Gate accessed from the University Gate Town.
- Church of the Cuckoo is your next Site of Grace once you've safely fabricated it into the academy by the glintstone sorcerers and tough marionette soldiers. From hither you'll be following effectually the edges of the building and gradually making your manner south-eastward.
- From Schoolhouse Classroom you have to make your mode a few floors past some glintstone enemies in gild to reach a dominate fight confronting Ruby-red Wolf of Radagon.
- Argue Parlor is the Site of Grace that appears after you've defeated Red Wolf of Radagon. You'll head north from here to proceed exploring the university. Information technology'south unfortunately besides the last Site of Grace yous'll notice from now until the boss.
- Upon defeating Rennala Queen of the Full Moon, she volition become a friendly NPC who you tin visit to respec in Elden Ring or change your appearance.
Altus Plateau Site of Grace locations
Here'southward a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatsoever numbers correspond with the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- Altus Plateau is a circuitous country mass, which actually consists of the plateau itself besides equally Mt. Gelmir to the due west and Leyndell, Royal Upper-case letter to the east, and unlike the last two regions, there isn't i specific Site of Grace you'll necessarily brainstorm with. But Erdtree-Gazil Hill is a Site of Grace you can conceivably come across whether you reached this area via the Thousand Elevator of Dectus or from the hugger-mugger path. Yous'll non but observe a Golden Seed here but you'll also want to come here if you lot're post-obit Millicent'due south questline.
- At Altus Highway Junction, if you're following the critical path then yous'll desire to caput east. That said, y'all should still take the north route in order to option upwards the map fragment for the area. This is also where you'll notice Brother Corhyn later on he leaves the Roundtable Hold so speak to him if you lot want to follow his questline.
- You'll need to complete the Sealed Tunnel in order to reach the Divine Tower of West Altus to the s (just out of shot - there are 2 Sites of Grace, i exterior the entrance and another in the tower), which opens once yous have defeated Rykard and obtained his Great Rune. You'll also find the Smithing-Rock Miner's Bell Bearing (two) in this mini-dungeon as well as the Onyx Lord's Greatsword upon defeating the dominate.
- East of Outer Wall Battleground are iii other Sites of Grace that are out of shot. Ane is Majuscule Rampart, the archway into Leyndell. The other 2 are for the mini dungeons Auriza Side Tomb and Auriza Hero'due south Grave, which yous'll find by taking the right branching path that takes you lower. The side tomb is confusing to navigate as y'all'll be teleporting a lot merely you can get the Soldjars of Fortune Ashes later defeating the boss. The Auriza Hero's Grave is much harder as you have to fight two Crucible Knights at the end, but you'll become their weapons and armour for your trouble (specifically, the Crucible Axe Set and Ordovis'south Greatsword).
- If you go on n after getting the map fragment, the Woods-Spanning Greatbridge looks like a dead-end. Notwithstanding, at that place is a portal that will teleport you to the due north side of the area where the windmills are.
- Rampartside Path can be constitute when, instead of post-obit the master path out of the n-west side of the outer capital wall, y'all take head south. The expanse here has two mini-dungeons while to the southwest is Stormcaller Church building where you tin can discover a Sacred Tear and the Dragonbolt Blessing incantation.
- Sainted Hero's Grave is domicile to ii very useful spirit ashes: Leyndell Soldier Ashes and Aboriginal Dragon Knight Kristoff. The first can be found by exploring the dungeon while the second is dropped upon defeating the boss.
- Defeating the bosses at Altus Tunnel will advantage yous with Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (2).
- Windmill Village is home to one of our recommended rune farming locations. Another Site of Grace can be unlocked further due north by defeating the Godskin Apostle boss in that area.
- Bower of Compensation is located on a low-lying part of Altus Plateau that's but attainable from the northward every bit you laissez passer the road almost Windmill Hamlet. This surface area is besides home to Mirage Rise (which reveals itself upon completing an ecology puzzle) and a Minor Erdtree where you can find the Crimsonspill Crystal Tear and Speckled Hardtear.
- You'll discover Shaded Castle Ramparts when y'all enter Shaded Castle. There are 2 additional Sites of Grace as you lot explore the castle. If you're post-obit Millicent'due south questline in that location is a cardinal particular yous need to discover here.
- Span of Iniquity takes you lot on the path upward Mt. Gelmir to reach Volcano Manor to observe Rykard as well as locate the map fragment for this area. Beware that y'all don't divert too far on this path as you lot might have a nasty run-in with Patches...
- Seethewater River is west of Wyndham Ruins and technically part of Mt. Gelmir albeit further downward. Head north of this Site of Grace to find a Golden Seed.
- Continue forth the path from Seethewater River and you'll pass an optional cave and then farther still to reach Seethewater Terminus. Fort Laiedd is nearby as is a Magma Wyrm boss. The lava where it appears from can also be traversed, which leads you around to a underground Hermit Village in the s-e.
- Hermit Hamlet has two Sites of Grace: Craftsman's Shack, where you can find the Caster Crossbow.
- Farther northeast yous'll find Primeval Wizard Azur. Interact with him to get the Comet Azur sorcery. In that location is also a path here that will act as a shortcut up Mt. Gelmir to Volcano Estate instead of having to go all the fashion around Altus Plateau.
- Although this Site of Grace looks similar it's at Hermit Village it's really located below. Abductor Virgin is named after the ii bosses yous have to defeat before the Site of Grace is available. Getting here requires traversing a secret part of the Mt. Gelmir's already secretive prison boondocks, which first requires you to go abducted in a office of Raya Lucaria Academy.
- As this part of Mt. Gelmir is quite confusing to tell from the map alone, Old Altus Tunnel is actually not office of the mount but is attainable by travelling north from Erdtree-Gazing Hill. You tin can find Boltdrake Talisman +1, Troll'southward Hammer and Great Club hither, the latter dropped by the boss.
- Wyndham Catacombs is located northwest of Wyndham Catacombs. Defeat the dominate to become Glovewort Picker'due south Bell Begetting (1).
- Gelmir Hero'south Grave is loftier up Mt. Gelmir. You'll actually see the entrance to your correct just after using the shortcut via Hermit Village. Defeat the boss to become the powerful Bloodhound Knight Floh summoning spirit.
Volcano Manor Site of Grace locations
Here's a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers represent with the notes underneath with farther clarifications:

- Volcano Manor is technically just a building, but it's also a legacy dungeon when y'all include the hugger-mugger prison town beneath. It'southward quite possible to completely miss this area entirely depending on your arroyo. This Site of Grace is located in the manor near Lady Tanith and her crucible knight bodyguard.
- If you lot reached Volcano Manor by being abducted in the Raya Lucaria Academy, you lot should find the Subterranean Inquisition Sleeping room Site of Grace. From hither yous can find traverse the nearby lava to notice an escape route via a cave that takes back to Altus Plateau, in one case you've defeated the Abductor Virgins on baby-sit, that is.
- Although yous tin can reach the prison house town by getting abducted, the existent path is via a secret route inside Volcano Manor that volition accept you to Prison Town Church. You will then be exploring the area in a roughly counter-clockwise direction and should find the other Sites of Grace while doing so.
- Exploring prison house boondocks should atomic number 82 you to a portal that teleports you to Audience Pathway, the only accessible path to observe Rykard, Lord of Irreverence. The other mode to reach this spot and bypass the prison town entirely is to enter into Lady Tanith'due south service and complete the requested assassinations.
Leyndell, Royal Capital Site of Grace locations
Notation that there are ii versions of Leyndell, the latter which comes into permanent result in the endgame, so some Sites of Grace discovered earlier are no longer accessible. Nonetheless, some Sites of Grace are still the same but do crave touching again to reactivate.
Hither'due south a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations in the Royal Capital. Any numbers correspond with the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- Eastward Capital letter Ramparts will exist the first Site of Grace you'll find within the Royal Capital after defeating Draconic Tree Sentinel guarding the entrance from the north.
- Melina will next speak to you when you starting time remainder at the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace. This volition as well be the closest Site of Grace to reach the secret entrance to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds via a well.
- Lower Capital Church contains the Lionel armour set, the armour which easily has the highest physical defence and resistance stats in the game, though it's also the heaviest armour gear up.
- Due west Upper-case letter Ramparts is higher up Leyndell and where yous demand to go to reach the roots that take you where yous need to go on the critical path. It's also close to a Golden Seed guarded by a fearsome gargoyle enemy.
- If the Fortified Manor looks eerily familiar, it'south because it's what the Roundtable Agree location is based on. This Site of Grace is plant on the first floor where another painting can exist found.
- This Site of Grace appears after defeating Godfrey, Showtime Elden Lord.
- This Site of Grace appears after defeating Morgott the Omen King.
- Underground Roadside is the offset Site of Grace you'll observe in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds beneath Leyndell.
- This Site of Grace appears later defeating Mohg, the Omen.
- Head farther backside the Cathedral and then down a hellish flake of platforming in order to reach the Frenzied Flame Proscription Site of Grace, which is where you need to be to meet the Iii Fingers if you lot're trying to get the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending.
Caelid Site of Grace locations
Here are maps of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers correspond to the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- Caelid is fabricated up of three regions: Caelid itself, Greyoll'due south Dragonbarrow for much of the north and north-east, and Swamp of Aeonia in the middle. There are besides dissimilar means to enter Caelid, only the conventional method will be from Limgrave in the east with Smoldering Church only as the edge. Beware an NPC will invade you the first time you lot come here.
- Gael Tunnel is a mini dungeon with technically two Sites of Grace, one at its entrance, the other at the rear entered from Limgrave just a little to the north-west. Even so, if you endeavour to sneak in from the rear, a locked door blocks the way and tin can only be opened from the other side. Defeat the boss hither to get the Moonveil Katana.
- Deep Siofra Well can but be accessed via the lift in Siofra River, which requires ii Stonesword Keys to activate. The ravine information technology'south located in is isolated from the Dragonbarrow area. If yous caput west you will eventually achieve a gigantic jar-person, with three summoning signs of NPCs you can claiming. If yous caput south you will discover a path that takes you down to the rest of Caelid.
- Calied'southward divine belfry is unique in that it's the only one that has a mini-dungeon hidden inside. It's likewise lacking a main gate so y'all have to sneak in via some tricky platforming, although it means you don't have to have the specific Corking Rune (in this instance, Radhan'south) in order to get in. A second Site of Grace is located in the belfry'due south basement just before the boss. Defeat information technology to get the powerful Omenkiller Rollo summoning spirit.
- Bestial Sanctum is where you can exchange Deathroot to Gurranq Beast Chaplain for rewards. Information technology'southward as well possible to teleport here earlier via a hidden portal in Eastward Limgrave.
- Fort Faroth is a key story location where you lot will find one half of the Dectus Medallion in order to activate the Thou Lift of Dectus to reach Altus Plateau.
- It'south possible to accomplish Sellia Crystal Tunnel early via teleporting chest beneath Limgrave's Dragon-Burnt Ruins, except yous'll need to escape back to the archway to find the Site of Grace. When you are prepare to accept this mini-dungeon on, the boss drops Somberstone Miner's Bong Bearing (1).
- Abandoned Cave is where you will notice the very useful Gold Scarab Talisman. You'll need to cross a chasm from the due west side.
- Sellia, Town of Sorcery has plenty of treasure (and some phantom sorcerer enemies lurking effectually) though you lot'll take to light blue flames nearby to access them, although yous tin get a Golden Seed quite easily. The Chair-Crypt of Sellia (numbered) Site of Grace is available subsequently lighting all 3 blueish flames in the town and defeating the bosses in that area. Yous'll go the Nox Flowing Sword and Lusat'due south Glintstone Staff for your trouble.
- From Sellia, there's a route that volition accept you to higher ground. Follow this route to reach Church of the Plague where you will will find a Sacred Tear and meet Millicent if you want to follow her questline. Information technology's also possible to reach this area by dropping downward from Dragonbarrow to the northward.
- North of the church is Sellia Hideaway where you need to go to find an NPC if you lot're following Sellen'south questline. Defeat the bosses within to get the Crystal Torrent spell.
- Impassable Greatbridge leads the way to Redmane Castle where you fight Starscourge Radhan. Nearby is likewise one of our recommended rune farming spots for early on in the game.
- Redmane Castle is a relatively minor legacy dungeon with only ii Sites of Grace, although it also teleports you lot to the massive arena to the north where you fight Radahn. Beware arriving here too early on as you may have to fight a very tough boss battle earlier this Site of Grace appears.
Mountaintops of the Giants Site of Grace locations
Here are maps of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers correspond to the notes underneath with farther clarifications:

- Before reaching the Mountaintops of the Giants, you lot'll need to laissez passer through the Forbidden Lands, though it's a fairly linear route. However, before this Site of Grace, in that location's a path y'all can accept south-east that volition accept you to the Divine Tower of Due east Altus and its Sites of Grace, ane at the entrance and one within (but out of shot in the in a higher place map). Y'all'll however exist whisked into a boss fight first.
- Grand Lift of Rold volition have yous to the Mountaintops of the Giants to the critical path. Still, there is likewise another path here that will take y'all to a secret area in the w. You'll need the Hugger-mugger Haligtree Medallion for this by following Latenna'south questline.
- Just before the first proper Site of Grace in the surface area, you'll also find the get-go Mountaintop of the Giants map fragment nearby.
- The second map fragment that completes the east function of the Mountaintops of the Giants is correct side by side to the Giants' Gravepost Site of Grace.
- Forge of the Giants is the final Site of Grace you'll accomplish earlier you have to commit to the endgame.
- Sol Castle is an important location if you lot're trying to complete Latenna'due south questline and find the secret path to the Haligtree. Information technology's also got a very catchy dominate fight located to the far due north. Although there are iii Sites of Grace there, the 1 closest to the boss room isn't recommended as yous'll run into some very annoying enemies. Instead, you're better off running from the Site of Grace at the gate and then riding a lift equally a shortcut.
Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace locations
Hither's a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers represent to the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- If you have both side of the Haligtree Cloak-and-dagger Medallion and utilize information technology at K Lift of Rold, this volition be the first Site of Grace in the area you'll arrive at. Take care that visibility is very poor at the start due to a blizzard, and you might easily miss another Site of Grace only alee.
- Yelough Anix Tunnel is but due south of Yelough Anix Ruins where a very tough dominate awaits. Defeat it and you'll be rewarded with the Meteorite of Astel spell.
- Apostate Derelict is the terminal stop of Latenna's questline.
- Ordina, Liturgical Town is where you need to get to discover the secret path to the Haligtree, which requires completing a puzzle in an Evergaol version of the town.
Miquella'due south Haligtree Sites of Grace locations
Here's a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatever numbers represent to the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- This optional dungeon is dissever into two parts: Miquella's Haligtree, showtime hither in the south, and Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree in the northward, which you're journeying down in an nigh spiralling direction. Virtually of the Sites of Grace you should pass by forth the path.
- Elphael's first Site of Grace is Prayer Room where you should meet Millicent if you lot've been following her questline. As the enemies in this area are worth a lot of runes, this is also our recommended rune farming spot in the late game.
- Drainage Channel is the nearest recommended Site of Grace to use if yous're following Millicent's questline to its completion.
- Haligreet Roots is the Site of Grace just before you fight Malenia, the hardest boss in Elden Band and perhaps ever created by FromSoftware. Good luck!
Crumbling Faram Azula Site of Grace locations
Here's a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatever numbers stand for to the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- The final legacy dungeon is quite linear as you kickoff from the south of the map and work your way along the path (Crumbling Fauna Grave, numbered, should be the first Site of Grace you lot stop past), so nearly Sites of Grace you shouldn't miss.
- Dragon Temple is on your way to fight the Godskin Duo. An already tough boss fight, you also have to run a fleck of a gauntlet before getting there.
- Even so, if you lot drib down from just before the Dragon Temple Site of Grace yous'll detect a secret path where you can option up the Azula Beastman Ashes and also reach the Dragon Temple Transept Site of Grace, which is located much closer to the boss room.
- This dungeon has a tough optional boss, Dragonlord Placidusax. If y'all want to undo the Frenzied Flame status y'all'll need to come hither with the item you lot receive at the end of Millicent'south questline.
Leyndell, Cadaverous Capital Sites of Grace locations
Notation that there are two versions of Leyndell, the latter which comes into permanent effect in the endgame, and so some Sites of Grace discovered earlier are no longer attainable. Nonetheless, some Sites of Grace are all the same the same but do require touching once again to reactivate.
Hither'south a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers represent with the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- You'll begin by infiltrating the majuscule from the East Majuscule Rampart.
- Subterranean Shunning-Grounds is a secret location beneath Leyndell and can however be accessed in its Ashen state. Underground Roadside is the first Site of Grace you'll come across.
- Leyndell Catacombs is also located in Subterranean Shunning-Grounds where you can find the following talismans: Crucible Calibration Talisman and Lord of Claret's Crowing.
- Cathedral of the Forsaken is habitation to Mohg, the Omen. Defeat him and the Site of Grace volition appear.
- Head farther behind the Cathedral and then down a hellish scrap of platforming in order to reach the Frenzied Flame Proscription Site of Grace, which is where you need to be to run into the Three Fingers if you're trying to get the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending.
- When you first return to Leyndell as the Cadaverous Capital letter, this will exist your offset Site of Grace.
- The Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace appears the first time afterwards yous defeat Godfrey, Commencement Elden Lord. The second fourth dimension is after you defeat Sir Gideon Ofnir.
- Elden Throne Site of Grace appears the first time after defeating Morgott the Omen Male monarch. The second time is after you defeat Hoarah Loux, and will be the terminal checkpoint before the final dominate.
- To the west of the uppercase, Divine Bridge can be accessed via a lift from Leyndell, although it will no longer be accessible in the endgame. Yous can even so teleport at that place early via the Belfry of Return in Weeping Peninsula. A portal at the Divine Bridge is the only fashion to access Isolated Divine Tower and its Site of Grace (not shown in the above map). Entering the belfry requires defeating Malenia.
Siofra River, Nokron and Mohgwyn Palace Site of Grace locations
Hither'south a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Whatever numbers correspond to the notes underneath with further clarifications:

- Nokron is a metropolis situated just above Siofra River, but not accessible until after you've defeated Starscourge Radahn, so the Sites of Grace can look like they're overlapping slightly. This should be the start Site of Grace yous come across down hither.
- Siofra River Bank is close to where you tin can find the map fragment for this expanse as well as the Hallowhorn Grounds where yous tin become the Aboriginal Follower Ashes after completing a puzzle and defeating a boss.
- Below the Well is next to the lift that will take you up to Caelid'due south Deep Siofra Well. It requires ii Swordstone Keys to activate.
- This Site of Grace is at the archway to Nokron, Eternal City.
- This Site of Grace appears after defeating Mimic Tear.
- From this Site of Grace you can head downwards to Night's Sacred Basis (and another Site of Grace named after it) where you can find a key item in Ranni'south quest as well every bit the all-important Mimic Tear Ashes.
- This Site of Grace appears after defeating the Valiant Gargoyle boss. In that location's as well a coffin nearby that volition transport you to Deeproot Depths.
- At that place'south two means to Mohgwyn Palace, one by completing Varre'south questline, the other via a portal at Consecrated Snowfield. This volition be the first Site of Grace yous'll come up across if you lot discover this area with via the latter method.
- But before this Site of Grace you'll discover a corpse property the map fragment for the area.
One time y'all take settled on a starting course and starting Emblem item, you should first work out how to level up, how to respec and use Ashes of War. Demand some direction from there? Our Elden Band walkthrough and Elden Ring dominate order can aid with where to go next, just nosotros besides recommend hunting downwardly Golden Seeds, Sacred Tears, Crystal Tears, Talismans and some of our best weapon and all-time armor choices. If you are approaching the end game, we tin can help with the Volcano Manor quest and Rykard, Haligtree Underground Medallion locations, solving the Ordina, Liturgical Boondocks puzzle, the Millicent quest, Commander Niall, Morgott, Godskin Duo, Maliketh and Malenia.
Deeproot Depths Site of Grace locations
Here'southward a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers stand for to the notes underneath with farther clarifications:

- You'll start at this Site of Grace only if yous came via the secret passage at Frenzied Flame Proscription. You'll so need to platform down some roots to accomplish the next Site of Grace below, where you'll begin if you came from Nokron via the coffin. The subsequent Sites of Grace tin all be found as you explore the rest of the area.
- This Site of Grace appears later on you've defeated Fia's champions and is likewise where yous will conclude Fia'south quest.
Ainsel River Site of Grace locations
Hither's a map of the region showing all Site of Grace locations. Any numbers correspond to the notes underneath with farther clarifications:

- Attainable from the elevator in East Liurnia, this is the starting time Site of Grace once you come up down to Ainsel River Well Depths.
- The expanse just earlier this Site of Grace is where you can notice a merchant too every bit the map fragment for the expanse.
- This Site of Grace appears later defeating the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella in the aforementioned area. It will drop the Frozen Lightning Spear incantation but more importantly you'll be able to access a chest nearby at the end containing a Great Ghost Glovewort used for upgrading a special summoning spirit to its max level.
- Ainsel River Principal is but accessible via a portal that activates during Ranni'due south quest.
- This takes you to Nokstella, Eternal City. You can farm Larval Tears in this surface area and also detect the Moon of Nokstella talisman, which increases your memory slots when equipped.
- Continue from this Site of Grace to fight an NPC as part of Ranni's questline.
- The map fragment for Lake of Rot is just a short walk from this Site of Grace.
- Head down from this Site of Grace to accomplish the boss of this area, which is required to complete Ranni's questline. The boss room and the Site of Grace which appears following the fight is out of shot to the south.
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